I want to be beautiful and make you stand in awe of me.
Look inside my heart and be amazed.
I want to hear you say who I am is quite enough
I want to be worthy of love and be beautiful.
-Bethany Dillon

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I wrote this yesterday had absolutely no clue as to the pain that was to come. I feel like I am going through surgery and have just been left on the operating table, cut wide open. Exposed. Bleeding. As damaged, hurting areas are being removed. Repaired. Replaced. No painkillers, no anesthesia, nothing. Pain is searing through every part of my body, I can feel it so strongly. Each time my heart beats, blood pumps through my veins, I catch my breath, as memories, thoughts, feelings race through my mind. More tears fall. It hurts SO deeply, "please someone take this pain away" my mind cries out, but no words form on my lips, they will not even move. I sense that something awe-inspiring is happening at the same time. It is not natural,I know this. I am somehow, amazingly, able to still be awake through this pain. Why have I not passed out with each cut, tear of my flesh, or break of my bone? While this hurts so deeply, my heart knows I must feel it, cry out with each ache. This distress will bring healing in areas that have become exposed, as the Master is ever so carefully, lovingly, repairing the damaged insides of my life. He is making me, His masterpiece. His creation, who He created me to be. Making beauty from these ashes. The pain is still there, I can feel it, but dulled now by my mind escaping, dreaming, wandering, looking to get away, just for a moment....Please? I need a break.

I need a break....

by Melissa Wirth-Newell on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 3:31pm

"I need a break." This seems to have been my anthem for quite a while now. A break from what? My family? My friends? My home? "I need to get away." falls into that catagory as well. And that is exactly what I have done. But I have not really gone anywhere in the physical sense but I have "gotten away" in my mind and in my heart. To places that that have made me restless, rather than given me rest. While they bring comfort, excitement, joy or relief for a moment, I am still in "need of a break" when I return from these mind/heart vacations. And these vacations do not cost anything, so they are justified in my mind! Or if they do cost money, it is very little, miniscule compared to where I really want to be.On a beach, laying in the sun with the cool ocean breeze gently playing with my hair. Or in Disneyland, with my family, to be in the "Happiest Place on Earth" well, would be exactly that, happy.
I can picture it now....Can you? Nice isn't it? Relaxed, no stress, nothing to worry about. *sigh* deep breaths, this is just what I needed...."MOM!!!" Make him stop! Mom! MOM??!!" well there goes that break, back to reality just as fast as I escaped to my imaginary vacation. Disappointment covers my face and lines begin to form on my brow that make children say "Uhoh! RUN!!" That saddens my heart and that is not the mommy I want my children to remember, or the wife I want my husband to see.
Time to face the facts Melissa, you do not need a break. You have been taking one, for a LONG time. You have been hiding from life when you take the breaks. You do not need a break, you need to be broken, before God, at His feet, finding rest in Him, not in other ways. Stop fooling yourself and realize just how you ended up here and now that your heart is submitted to Him, you will find that "break" every day. In Him, in the little things. Those moments with your children, your husband, your family and friends. THOSE are your breaks IN life.
I hear Him saying "Let Me fill you up, you will find rest in Me if you seek me. There will be no need for escape, no need to feel like you need to get away"
"Really?" my heart cries
"Yes, I am healing your broken heart so you do not constantly feel a need to take a break. So your heart will be full of love, joy, and you will see the treasure I have saved for you"
Tears fill my eyes.
"That treasure is your beauty, inside and out. You are uncovering the gifts I have given you. Each one of them a rare jewel to be placed in your crown my beautiful princess"
More tears. I have not felt this relief, this at rest, this calm since I was on my last "break". And look, here I am in the midst of a storm! Waters are filling up around me, thunder is crackling above me as the lightning flashes before me. The wind is so strong I can feel it trying to carry me away, but I am peace, resting in the arms of Jesus. "Rest here my daughter, you have come to me weary and I will be your break from the storm, I will give you rest." With a deep breath, I smell his sweet fragrance,like calming lavender. Tears flow down my face as he places a beautiful lily in my hand and with the words " You are more beautiful than this flower to me, more precious than any jewel." I break down in tears, realizing this is the break I needed, to broken before Him, so I can grow into the beautiful woman he created me to be, the woman he destined me to be.


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